Kings Island | Associate Transportation

Kings Island Associate Housing offers transportation options for associate that live in the One Team Village. These offerings include on-site parking, and off-site transportation provided by the Associate Housing Staff.

On-Site Parking
All associates who wish to park a vehicle on Kings Island property is required to register their vehicle. Vehicle registration and parking passes are free to all associates of Kings Island.

Off-Site Transportation
Various shopping trips (i.e. Target, Meijer, Kenwood Mall) will be available on a first-come, first-served basis to all associates living in Crowne Hall. A detailed schedule will be posted at the front desk providing all dates, times, and locations weekly. We hope to see you there!

Cincinnati Metro Bus Schedule
The Cincinnati Metro Bus offers direct service between Downtown Cincinnati and Kings Island throughout the summer. For a detailed schedule, please visit their website or call 513-621-4455.